Intro: Exotic fruits that can only be cultivated in specific regions can be found in nations all over the world. The United States frequently lacks certain fruits from outside the U.S. or offers a poor selection, which limits the growth of the fruit market.
Insights:  Many people in the United States have never tasted and experienced numerous exotic fruits with exceptional flavors because they aren't offered in stores, but customers are interested in tasting these fruits because they represent an "approachable adventure". 
Solution: A conceptual tea company that offers consumers the chance to sample the various flavors other countries have to offer by introducing exotic fruits that are typically unavailable in the United States.
project scope:

- branding
- packaging
- naming
- concept
- strategy
- Logo Development
- advertising
- web design
- art direction​​​​​​​
tools used:
CONCEPT: This concept centers around the idea of personifying exotic fruits and adding an approachable factor to the unusual ‘ugli fruit’.
web presence
ad concept: This concept centers around promoting the bold and extreme flavors of the fruit. Drinking the tea will make you stand out as the fruit flavors do. 
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